Jailbroken iPhones get awesome multi-tasking via Multifl0w app

  One of the biggest gripes we – and almost all users – have with the iPhone is the lack of multi-tasking. This is one thing that all WebOS, Android and Windows Mobile users can throw into an iPhone user’s face, time and again. And given the great hardware under the iPhone, the lack of the same is perplexing.   A new app for the iPhone, called Multifl0w, seeks to address this issue with an awesome interface. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to be avail [...]
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Jailbroken iPhones get awesome multi-tasking via Multifl0w app

One of the biggest gripes we – and almost all users – have with the iPhone is the lack of multi-tasking. This is one thing that all WebOS, Android and Windows Mobile users can throw into an iPhone user’s face, time and again. And given the great hardware under the iPhone, the lack of the same is perplexing.
A new app for the iPhone, called Multifl0w, seeks to address this issue with an awesome interface. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to be avail […]
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