Imitation lock screen LG Optimus G. Description: LG Optimus Lockscreen is a lo…

Imitation lock screen LG Optimus G.

Description: LG Optimus Lockscreen is a lock screen application in the style of LG Optimus G.

Features: 1) The effect of "Dewdrop".
2) The effect of the "wave".
3) WhiteHole effect. 3
D effect Dewdrop requires root access, if not, the dew drops will not ideal. Note: To prevent double-lock, turn the LG Optimus Lockscreen, and disconnect the system lock screen.

For Requires Android 4.0 + Russian interface: Almost all Russian. Developer: andev888

Google Play:

Version: 1.2.2 LG Optimus Lockscreen

Imitation lock screen LG Optimus G. 

Description: LG Optimus Lockscreen is a lo…

Imitation lock screen LG Optimus G.

Description: LG Optimus Lockscreen is a lock screen application in the style of LG Optimus G.

Features: 1) The effect of "Dewdrop".
2) The effect of the "wave".
3) WhiteHole effect. 3
D effect Dewdrop requires root access, if not, the dew drops will not ideal. Note: To prevent double-lock, turn the LG Optimus Lockscreen, and disconnect the system lock screen.

For Requires Android 4.0 + Russian interface: Almost all Russian. Developer: andev888

Google Play:…kscreen.optimus

Version: 1.2.2 LG Optimus Lockscreen
