How to Send and Receive Tweets from Gmail and GTalk

If you are a twitter power user, you would like to view and reply to your followers tweets quickly that too round the clock. Gmail and GTalk are the common communication platforms which we use  in our daily lives and has now become an un-avoidable media.What if you can bring the power of twitter [...]
How to Send and Receive Tweets from Gmail and GTalk

twitter google

If you are a twitter power user, you would like to view and reply to your followers tweets quickly that too round the clock. Gmail and GTalk are the common communication platforms which we use  in our daily lives and has now become an un-avoidable media.What if you can bring the power of twitter to these two platform? That would be awesome, right? Yes, definitely would be. So, we will show you how to do that.

Steps to use twitter in Gmail :

Gmail Twitter

Gmail labs is a cool feature that allows you to add third party apps to Gmail, making it more powerful and a service worth using. TwitterGadget is a service that allow you to add its xml twitter gadget to Gmail. So after adding the gadget you will be able to tweet from your Gmail dashboard.

Log into your Gmail Account and follow these steps to use Twitter Gadget within Gmail.

1 ) Click the ‘Labs’ Icon located to the top right corner of your page.

gmail labs icon

2 )Enable ‘Add any gadget by URL’ , then click ‘Save Changes’ .

Google labs gadgets enable

3 ) Click ‘Gadgets’ .

4) Enter this  URL  – , then click ‘Add’ .

Now you will see the Twitter Gadget in the left sidebar column.You can tweet from there.

Steps to use twitter in GTalk :


TwiTalker is a service that allows you to tweet directly from the freely available Google Talk ( Gtalk) IM.You can get replies, DMs etc directly to your Gtalk as and when available.

1) Go to Twitalker website and authorize your twitter account in order to connect it with your Gtalk ID.

Twittalker OAuth

2) Login using  your Gtalk account and add to your Gtalk contacts.

3) Send your binding command (correct formats: -v AccessKey AccessSecret) which you get from the website( after O Auth)  to the robot in order to authorize  your GTalk account.

twittaker access key

Send the following commands to get the help or the lists of commands available as of now –

1. Get help and command list: -help

2. List all commands: -all

Now you’re done.Gtalk combined with the power of twitter is real fun.Enjoy.

Image credit : Watblog

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