How To Price Software Without Just Rolling The Dice

" I officially kicked off my marketing software company, HubSpot, about 17 months ago. If you’ve read my blog for any period of time, you likely know that I’m a big beliver in the “charge early, charge often” mantra. As it turns out, in order to “charge early”, you have to figure out what you’re going to charge people. That is, you have to have a price for your product. "

[via on startups]
How To Price Software Without Just Rolling The Dice

” I officially kicked off my marketing software company, HubSpot, about 17 months ago. If you’ve read my blog for any period of time, you likely know that I’m a big beliver in the “charge early, charge often” mantra. As it turns out, in order to “charge early”, you have to figure out what you’re going to charge people. That is, you have to have a price for your product. “

[via on startups]

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