How To Jailbreak iOS 5.1.1/5.0.1/4.3.3 iPhone 4/3Gs iPod Touch 4/3 iPad

How To Jailbreak iOS 5.1.1/5.0.1/4.3.3 iPhone 4/3Gs iPod Touch 4/3 iPad

READ FIRST! Jailbreak iOS 5.1, 5.1.1, 5.0.1 5.1.1 Jailbreak video: 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak video: 5.1 Jailbreak tutorial: 5.0.1 Untethered iPad 2 and iPhone 4s Jailbreak video: iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak video: iOS 5 Jailbreak video: Steps: 1. Be sure to be an Apple Devloper ( ) 2. Also make sure your iTunes is the latest version (run a software update) and then download the latest version of Pwnage Tool 3. If you aren’t an Apple developer and you want to download the 4.3 beta 1 firmware then sign up to be one! 4. Unzip the newest version of Pwnage Tool and place it on your desktop along with the 4.3 beta 1 .ipsw 5. Run Pwnage Tool and check off expert mode at the top and then select iPhone 4 6. Point it at the 4.3 beta 1 firmware and customize the other settings to your liking 7. Build the custom .ipsw 8. Set your device into DFU mode (I go over how in the video) 9. Connect to iTunes and Alt + Left click on restore for Mac users and for PC users (Only if you have the custom .ipsw created by Pwnage Tool) Shift + Left click on restore 10. Browse for the custom .ipsw and select it **NOTE** if you get an error at the END of your restore and you want to ESCAPE recovery mode then watch this video on Recboot: ALSO if you rely on a CARRIER UNLOCK then this WILL upgrade your baseband which results in the loss of your unlock! Please

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