How to Install Windows XP on your CD/DVD/Pen drive/flash drive

How to Install Windows XP on your CD/DVD/Pen drive/flash drive

All that’s needed is a bootable USB Flash drive with at least 256 MB of storage capacity and a Windows Setup CD. Using the program Bart PE Builder (Freeware), you can install Windows XP on the flash drive, along with other software as needed (and as available space permits)…

This article will show you how to install Windows XP on your CD/DVD/USB Pen drive/ Flash Drive/ thumb Drive

1) Windows XP CD or Windows XP Setup Information
2) Blank CD or DVD or 2) USB Pen Drive Minimum of 1 GB (disk space necessary 256 MB or less)
3) BART PE builder software.

1) Make sure that your system has about 500MB of free disk space!

2) Download the latest PE Builder version (self-installing package) and install it.

3) Start PE Builder (pebuilder.exe). When you start PE Builder for the first time it will ask if you agree with the license agreement.

4) Now PE Builder will ask to search for windows installation files. If you don’t have your windows XP setup/installation files on your system you must insert the original Microsoft Windows XP installation/setup CD at this point.
The files you have at c:\windows are not installation files. They are your already installed files!
Click “yes” to start searching. PE Builder will now search all fixed- and CD-Rom drives for Windows installation files. This will take some time. When more than one valid location is found, a dialog will appear where you can select which location you want to use.

5) For making Bootable CD/DVD At the main PE Builder dialog, select the “Burn to CD/DVD” option. When you are using an erasable medium, make sure that the “AutoErase RW” option is enabled. The “burn using” option should be set to “StarBurn”. Select your CD writer device from the Device list.

Hit the “build” button. PE Builder will now ask you to create a BartPE directory, answer with “yes”.

The license for your Microsoft Windows XP product is shown. Read it and agree to it to continue.

PE Builder will now start building BartPE. This will take a few minutes.
You will see a lot of files getting copied and/or decompressed, the ISO image build and the data recorded to your CD/DVD writer.
If the data verify was correct and there where no errors reported you can boot the CD/DVD!

6) For making bootable Pen Drive
Follow the above instructions and copy the files to the pen drive.

Enjoy your new preinstalled XP environment and use it for system Rescue Purposes…

How to Burn ISO to USB

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