How to Create RSS Feed of Your Friends Favorite Tweets

We  go through many tweets daily among which some are worth reading and others are not. People do favorite tweets for later reading and when its from a famous personality of your niche, tweet would definitely have a good content that can satisfy your evergreen thirst for news. What if you can keep track of only the favorited tweets [...]
How to Create RSS Feed of Your Friends Favorite Tweets

FavebytesWe  go through many tweets daily among which some are worth reading and others are not. People do favorite tweets for later reading and when its from a famous personality of your niche, tweet would definitely have a good content that can satisfy your evergreen thirst for news.

What if you can keep track of only the favorited tweets of your friends, just like we do for blog posts with the RSS feeds.We can do that now.

Favebytes, is a web service that allows you to create OPML file of your friends favorite tweets.It can then be feeded to your favorite  feed reader of choice. Whenever your friend favorites a new tweet, it will  automatically get updated in your feed reader.Note that, all protected profiles will be excluded in this service.

Try Favebytes now.

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