How to Add All Friends to Invite Facebook Page, Group

How to Add All Friends to Invite Facebook Page, Group

Description of this extension’s features:

It’s function is to Add all Friends when Inviting to a page, event or group by clicking “Add” on the Chrome toolbar and ALL friends in your list will be selected at once even if you have thousands. With many friends it may take a time to load before they appear selected. Then simply send out the invitation to them all at once.


So, easy steps:


    Install “Facebook Add All friends to Invite” extension in Chrome


    Go to Facebook and enter the page you want to invite someone, click the “Invite friends” button there


    When the list of friends comes up, scroll down to bottom of the list so all friends are properly loaded into the box.


    Then click the green “Add” button in your toolbar in Chrome and all friends are selected even if thousands!

  5. Send out the invitation!


If you have the unpacked source version of this extension, meaning an archive with all its individual component files, you can install it by going to the Wrench icon in Chrome, select “Tools” – click “Extensions” and in the new Extensions page that opens make sure that “Developer Mode” on the top right side is open and then click the button labeled “Load unpacked extension” and select the Folder / Directory on your computer where the source extension files are located.


  • You can install directly and immediately in automatic process clicking the button:

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