How Long Can You Tap It? – RoLYroLLs Enterprises, LLC

How Long Can You Tap It? – RoLYroLLs Enterprises, LLC
How Long Can You Tap It? artwork

How Long Can You Tap It?

RoLYroLLs Enterprises, LLC

Genre: Games

Price: Free

Release Date: August 18, 2009

Thanks everyone for being so patient. We've submitted an update that fixes the crashing and now we're just waiting on Apple's approval. Should be coming shortly!

For now, as many users have found, we recommend turning off your wi-fi connection if you want to get warmed up and practice tapping like you've never tapped before. Wouldn't want to pull a muscle!


Also, we are working on another update with more features and we will also add the requests for a personal high scores leaderboard.

Stay tuned and become a fan of our Facebook page for frequent updates!

How Long Can You Tap It:


How long can you tap a button?

Or better yet, do you have the determination to break the world record for button tapping? It's part maddening, part obsessive, but all good fun!

And if anyone asks what you're doing, tell them you're extending the limits of humanity by tapping this button… a lot!

Download How Long Can You Tap It? today!

© RoLYroLLs Enterprises, LLC

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