How Create a One-Click Amazon India Affiliate Link Bookmarklet

How Create a One-Click Amazon India Affiliate Link Bookmarklet

  1. Copy the code below in a notepad…

javascript:(function(){var aff = ‘yourcode-21‘; if (!document.getElementById(‘ASIN’)) {alert(‘Can\’t find the product ID’); return;} prompt(‘Here is your Amazon affiliate link:’,’’ + document.getElementById(‘ASIN’).value + ‘/?tag=’ + aff);})()

2.  look for yourcode-21 within the code. Replace it with your Amazon tag.

3. For Firefox – 

i.If not present, click on view>toolbars>bookmarks toolbar

ii.Right click on an empty space of that bar, select new bookmark

iii.Paste the code you copied earlier to the Location box.

iv.Save It.

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4. For Chrome

i.  the bookmarks bar is usually hidden. To show it, click the three line button thing at the top right > bookmarks > show bookmarks bar

ii. Right click on an empty space of that bar – add page

iii. Paste the code you copied earlier to the URL box. Name the bookmark for easier identification.

iv.Save It.

5. Go to any Amazon product page click on that bookmarklet you just made.

6. A dialog box should appear with your sweet url attached with your affiliate ID.

amazon affiliate





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