Download New and Improved Build of Chrome OS

Google had launched the most hyped Chrome OS some months back, and also announced and showed us a demo though an official press release. But since then we have not heard a lot about any updates or developments on the Chrome OS. But recently, an enthusiastic web developer known by the alias Hexxeh, has released a [...]
Download New and Improved Build of Chrome OS

Google Chrome OS
Google had launched the most hyped Chrome OS some months back, and also announced and showed us a demo though an official press release. But since then we have not heard a lot about any updates or developments on the Chrome OS.

But recently, an enthusiastic web developer known by the alias Hexxeh, has released a new and improved build of the Google Chrome OS. This new release of Chrome OS is code-named ZERO. It is based on Chromium build

The major improvement in this new build of Chrome OS over the previous builds is that it supports most of the WiFi chipsets. This new build also has a slight improvement in speed and a new boot time splash screen.

This new build of Chrome OS is available as a download of 250-MB tar.gz archive, which contains a contains big 1GB image file. These are instructions on how to install it on a pen drive from within Windows, as given on the official website.

1. If you downloaded the OS image via Bittorent, make sure that you have extracted the .img file from the compressed .tar file (You can use open source archiving software 7-Zip to do this).

2. Using the Windows Image Writer, select the image (ChromeOS-Zero.img) and your USB drive letter from the drop down box.

3. Click “Write”. The install image will then be copied to the drive. Note : The USB flash drive will be reformatted to fit the Image.

4. Once it’s done, close the program and you can then boot from the USB drive.

You can know more about the new build of Chrome OS from its official website.

You can download this new and improved build of Chrome OS from here.

If you just want to try out Chrome OS in your virtual machine, you can download the Sun Virtual box image, as well as the Vmware image.

Check out : How to Install Chrome OS on USB Drive

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