Download Firefox 3.6 Beta 1 Get in Browser Tab Preview in Windows 7

So you are running Windows 7, and you are browsing this site. Chances are you are running Firefox, our stats shows that there are more than 45% of our reader are using Firefox, and yet most of them running 3.5+ and 36% are running IE and over 90% are running IE 8. So chances are for [...]
Download Firefox 3.6 Beta 1 Get in Browser Tab Preview in Windows 7

So you are running Windows 7, and you are browsing this site. Chances are you are running Firefox, our stats shows that there are more than 45% of our reader are using Firefox, and yet most of them running 3.5+


and 36% are running IE and over 90% are running IE 8. So chances are for the folks out there running Firefox 3.5 the biggest  disadvantage is it has no tab preview support. Unlike IE 8, all the tab will show when you hover over the icon.

Well this is going to change very soon, and in fact you can download the pre-release Firefox 3.6 Beta 1 here and yes the biggest improvement is the support in Windows 7 with the preview tab.



and yet you are getting everything you had before from 3.5 + but the only downside with the pre-release beta version of Firefox is the adds-on support.

It doesn’t support most of the plug-in. So if you rely a lot on plug-in then you should hold on and wait for the public release.


So yes, with the new Firefox coming near to release the old IE 8 feature only in Windows 7 will soon be diminished.

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