Dockers Free Pants

During this year’s Superbowl, the clothing company Dockers ran a commercial featuring a group of men singing in a field while wearing no pants. But it wasn’t men in tighty whities that sent people to the Internet in search of the Dockers website. Instead, it was an offer to win some free pants. At [...] Related posts:
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Dockers Free Pants

During this year’s Superbowl, the clothing company Dockers ran a commercial featuring a group of men singing in a field while wearing no pants. But it wasn’t men in tighty whities that sent people to the Internet in search of the Dockers website. Instead, it was an offer to win some free pants.
Dockers Free Pants
At the end of the Dockers commercial, the company invited people to visit to register for a chance to win free khaki pants. Free Dockers pants have a value of about $50, so it is no surprise that lots and lots of people began searching the net for the registration form.

Other noteworthy advertisements included Tim Tebow’s support of the pro-life movement, several Dorritos ads, and Megan Fox ‘nude’ in a hottub. Hulu is airing all of the Superbowl ads in their AdZone

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