DNS root server distribution

DNS root server distribution

EarlierĀ announced by the hacking group Anonymous directed against the Internet’s core address lookup system.

The DNS translates a Web site name, such as www.techeggs.com, into a numerical IP (Internet Protocol) address, which is used by computers to find the Web site.

The 13 authoritative root servers contain the master list of where other nameservers can look up an IP address for a domain name within a certain top-level domain such as “.com.”

The group said it had built a “Reflective DNS Amplification DDOS” (distributed denial-of-service) tool, which causes other DNS servers to overwhelm those root servers with lots of traffic, according to the a Pastebin post.

root server distribution
Higher-res png version available here.

internet users per root server
Higher-res png version available here.

internet user distribution
Higher-res png version available here.




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