Disable Google Buzz Profile and Delete It Forever

Completely Delete and Disable your Google Buzz profile forever. The new Disable Google Buzz option is now available under the Buzz settings in Gmail.

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Disable Google Buzz Profile and Delete It Forever

After a bit of a problem and complaints to the FTC by a public group over Buzz, Google has finally decided to give users a way to completely disable and delete a Google Buzz profile.

Delete Google Buzz Profile or Disable It

The new feature to disable and delete a Google Buzz profile is now part of Gmail Settings. So if you are someone who wants to send Google Buzz into oblivion just head over to Settings -> Buzz and make the changes you require. Good riddance :-) .

If you are a Google Buzz user, do tell us your experience about it. It definitely has a long way to go and we hope to see significant changes in the future. you are a new Google Buzz user, check out our Ultimate List of Tips and Tricks for Google Buzz.

Note: Google is gradually rolling this out to user accounts, so not everyone will be able to see Buzz in their settings right away.

Disable Google Buzz Profile and Delete It Forever originally appeared on Techie Buzz written by Keith Dsouza on Wednesday 17th February 2010 08:40:51 PM. Please read the Terms of Use for fair usage guidance.

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