Corona SDK by Ansca Mobile – Third Party iPad SDK

Perhaps the biggest question on the mind’s of Apple fanatics salivating at the prospect of new, innovative apps designed specifically for the iPad, is what exactly will developers be able to think up in the coming months before the device’s official release. Thankfully third party SDKs such as the Corona SDK for iPad from Ansca [...]
Corona SDK by Ansca Mobile – Third Party iPad SDK

iPad SDK

Perhaps the biggest question on the mind’s of Apple fanatics salivating at the prospect of new, innovative apps designed specifically for the iPad, is what exactly will developers be able to think up in the coming months before the device’s official release. Thankfully third party SDKs such as the Corona SDK for iPad from Ansca Mobile is making it much easier for developers to realize their vision and appease future iPad users.

Corona’s SDK is ideal for the iPad but is built from the ground up to be an innovative, rich platform for developing iPhone, iPod Touch, and of course, iPad apps with ease. Ansca Mobile, makers of the SDK, say focus for the platform is creating lightweight-yet-graphically rich apps with 30 frames/second and Open GL hardware integration.

A representative for Ansca said, “it’s ideal for Flash developers looking to start designing iPhone/iPad apps now instead of waiting for Adobe’s Packager For iPhone.” See Below for a full overview of the Corona SDK’s features.

What’s included in the Corona SDK?

• Corona Simulator
• Corona debugger
• Constantly growing library of sample code
• Simple code reads like English, “easier than writing Javascript!”
• Device Build Guide
• API reference
• Programming Guide
• Automatically compile finished applications for App Store submission
• Hardware Integration- Take advantage of accelerometer, camera, video playback, GPS, and accelerated graphics.
• Over 100 pages of documentation including in depth Getting Started guide

Ansca Mobile has also informed that there are plans for multiple platform support in the near future including Symbian, Android, and Palm Pre. However, at the current $99 price point, Corona SDK’s long list of rich features is definitely worth the investment for all app developers.

Download Corona SDK Free 30-Day Trial Now

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