China doesn’t want “empty” Copenhagen deal-Xinhua – Reuters

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China doesn't want "empty" Copenhagen deal-Xinhua
BEIJING, Nov 25 (Reuters) - China will demand next month's Copenhagen climate summit culminates in a real deal, Xinhua news agency quoted a Chinese negotiator as saying, but appears to have accepted that a legally binding agreement must wait until 2010 ...
The challenge in Copenhagen: reshaping the worldThe Associated Press

China Says Rich Countries Lacked 'Good Faith' in Climate TalksBloomberg
US to Set Emissions Target Before Climate TalksNew York Times -USA Today -Xinhua
all 1,680 news articles »
China doesn’t want “empty” Copenhagen deal-Xinhua – Reuters

Monsters and

China doesn't want "empty" Copenhagen deal-Xinhua
BEIJING, Nov 25 (Reuters) – China will demand next month's Copenhagen climate summit culminates in a real deal, Xinhua news agency quoted a Chinese negotiator as saying, but appears to have accepted that a legally binding agreement must wait until 2010
The challenge in Copenhagen: reshaping the worldThe Associated Press

China Says Rich Countries Lacked 'Good Faith' in Climate TalksBloomberg
US to Set Emissions Target Before Climate TalksNew York Times –USA Today –Xinhua
all 1,680 news articles »

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