Beware the Facebook worm!

Want 2 C Something Hot? Well look for it somewhere other than FaceBook. A new worm has started spreading on FaceBook showing a suggestive image prompting people to "Click da'button, baby!", well don't. The image and link might appear as a post on the a friend's wall, and when clicked on, it launches an XSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) attack, which posts the same image and link on your own wall, further spreading the worm. As a general rule, it is safe to just avoid any suggestiv [...]
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Beware the Facebook worm!

Want 2 C Something Hot? Well look for it somewhere other than FaceBook.
A new worm has started spreading on FaceBook showing a suggestive image prompting people to "Click da’button, baby!", well don’t.

The image and link might appear as a post on the a friend’s wall, and when clicked on, it launches an XSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) attack, which posts the same image and link on your own wall, further spreading the worm.
As a general rule, it is safe to just avoid any suggestiv […]
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