Be Sneaky: Tweet from Outlook at Work

If you’ve ever had a desperate need to share your thoughts on Twitter while at work but are stuck behind a firewall or web filter where is blocked or your web access is tracked, you’ll like this Twitter application I just came across: TweetByMail.

Once you register an account with the service using Twitter authorization, you’re provided with a unique email address you can use to post to Twitter. When you have something you want to share, you simply email it to the private address and it will post to your account.

You can also use the service to receive Twitter updates via email. If you follow a lot of users, then you’ll probably want to choose the digest option, which includes all the updates posted during the time frame you specify.

This isn’t the only Twitter/Outlook type tool we’ve uncovered. Take a look at TwInbox for another option.

Be Sneaky: Tweet from Outlook at Work

If you’ve ever had a desperate need to share your thoughts on Twitter while at work but are stuck behind a firewall or web filter where is blocked or your web access is tracked, you’ll like this Twitter application I just came across: TweetByMail.

Once you register an account with the service using Twitter authorization, you’re provided with a unique email address you can use to post to Twitter. When you have something you want to share, you simply email it to the private address and it will post to your account.

You can also use the service to receive Twitter updates via email. If you follow a lot of users, then you’ll probably want to choose the digest option, which includes all the updates posted during the time frame you specify.

This isn’t the only Twitter/Outlook type tool we’ve uncovered. Take a look at TwInbox for another option.

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