Apple purges wi-fi apps from App Store

Apple has launched another blitz on the App Store, but it’s not sexy apps this time, it’s much more mundane wi-fi finders.

The iPhone maker has removed a number of ‘stumbler’ apps that monitor available Wi-Fi networks near your location.

More on Apple App Store apps:
- Best sexy Apple Iphone apps
- Most controversial Apple iPhone apps

One developer wrote on their website: "We received a very unfortunate e-mail today from Apple stating that WiFi-Where has been removed from sale on the App Store for using private frameworks to access wireless information," said Three Jacks Software.

Some have speculated that the ongoing App Store purge is down to concerns around iPad compatability. The Apple iPad is set to launch imminently.

Last month Apple cused a furore by removing almost 5,000 Apple iPhone apps that the company claimed contained sexual imagery.

Apple purges wi-fi apps from App Store

Apple has launched another blitz on the App Store, but it’s not sexy apps this time, it’s much more mundane wi-fi finders.

The iPhone maker has removed a number of ‘stumbler’ apps that monitor available Wi-Fi networks near your location.

More on Apple App Store apps:
Best sexy Apple Iphone apps
Most controversial Apple iPhone apps

One developer wrote on their website: "We received a very unfortunate e-mail today from Apple stating that WiFi-Where has been removed from sale on the App Store for using private frameworks to access wireless information," said Three Jacks Software.

Some have speculated that the ongoing App Store purge is down to concerns around iPad compatability. The Apple iPad is set to launch imminently.

Last month Apple cused a furore by removing almost 5,000 Apple iPhone apps that the company claimed contained sexual imagery.

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