Apple iSlate survey: 70% say no to $700 plus price

A survey of potential iSlate consumers in the US revealed that 70% of people would not be willing to pay more than $700 ($434) for Apple's tablet device which is expected to launch at Apple's scheduled event next week.


That does mean that almost one-third of customers would be prepared to fork out a whole lot more to nab a tablet. Details on how much Apple will charge for its latest gadget innovation has been sketchy at most, with many believing a price of around $500 - $800 the most likely figure. That would make it considerably more expensive than buying an iPhone.



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Retrevo, the company who carried out the survey also found that 44% of consumers would not buy the iSlate if a monthly data plan was required, while 39% would not buy the rumoured tablet device without it.


Battery life was a cause of concern, with 73% of respondents saying that they would not buy the tablet unless it could power up for at least six hours. Rumours of an OLED screen on the iSlate is likely to help combat that issue, but of course until Steve Jobs takes the stage we do not now what kind of display it will be sporting.


Whether a Apple Tablet PC will launched at all, most agreed it would be making an appearance, and that it would feature a 10-inch touchscreen device while running on iPhone or Mac apps.


Whatever Apple decides to show off next week, we will be there to cover the Apple announcement live, with hands-on pics and a review on the iSlate to follow.


Link: ZDNet



Apple iSlate survey: 70% say no to $700 plus price

A survey of potential iSlate consumers in the US revealed that 70% of people would not be willing to pay more than $700 ($434) for Apple’s tablet device which is expected to launch at Apple’s scheduled event next week.


That does mean that almost one-third of customers would be prepared to fork out a whole lot more to nab a tablet. Details on how much Apple will charge for its latest gadget innovation has been sketchy at most, with many believing a price of around $500 – $800 the most likely figure. That would make it considerably more expensive than buying an iPhone.



Apple iSlate rumours: 10 Things we can expect

Best netbook in the world? – T3 builds the ultimate netbook

100 pieces of concept tech we wish were real


Retrevo, the company who carried out the survey also found that 44% of consumers would not buy the iSlate if a monthly data plan was required, while 39% would not buy the rumoured tablet device without it.


Battery life was a cause of concern, with 73% of respondents saying that they would not buy the tablet unless it could power up for at least six hours. Rumours of an OLED screen on the iSlate is likely to help combat that issue, but of course until Steve Jobs takes the stage we do not now what kind of display it will be sporting.


Whether a Apple Tablet PC will launched at all, most agreed it would be making an appearance, and that it would feature a 10-inch touchscreen device while running on iPhone or Mac apps.


Whatever Apple decides to show off next week, we will be there to cover the Apple announcement live, with hands-on pics and a review on the iSlate to follow.


Link: ZDNet



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