Apple iSlate pictures spotted in the wild?

With just one day to go until Apple is expected to unveil the Apple iSlate at its scheduled press conference, the party could yet have been spoiled by a couple of photos that the owner claims to be real snaps of the much-talked about tablet device.


Supposed snaps of Apple's 'latest creation' arrived in cyberspace courtesy of designer Dustin Curtis, who has posted the Tablet pictures on his blog.


Many an Apple iSlate picture has been thrown up over the last twelve months, but we'd agree that these pictures are the most genuine looking we've seen.


- Apple iSlate pictures?

- Apple iSlate rumours: 10 Things we can expect

- Apple iPhone 4 rumours: 10 Things we know so far


If the Tablet looks anything as sleek as these pictures suggest we'd be reasonably happy chaps, but keen photo analysis experts have already cast doubt over these 'genuine' Apple iSlate shots.


Mr Curtis has not been the only one looking to draw a little of the excitement away from Apple's big announcement, with a German electronics retailer having accidently tweeted the Apple iSlate price and launch date. 


You can find out exactly what the iSlate/Tablet/iPad/ looks like right here, as we bring you live coverage of Apple's big event tomorrow evening.


Link: TechCrunch


Apple iSlate pictures spotted in the wild?

With just one day to go until Apple is expected to unveil the Apple iSlate at its scheduled press conference, the party could yet have been spoiled by a couple of photos that the owner claims to be real snaps of the much-talked about tablet device.


Supposed snaps of Apple’s ‘latest creation’ arrived in cyberspace courtesy of designer Dustin Curtis, who has posted the Tablet pictures on his blog.


Many an Apple iSlate picture has been thrown up over the last twelve months, but we’d agree that these pictures are the most genuine looking we’ve seen.


Apple iSlate pictures?

Apple iSlate rumours: 10 Things we can expect

Apple iPhone 4 rumours: 10 Things we know so far


If the Tablet looks anything as sleek as these pictures suggest we’d be reasonably happy chaps, but keen photo analysis experts have already cast doubt over these ‘genuine’ Apple iSlate shots.


Mr Curtis has not been the only one looking to draw a little of the excitement away from Apple’s big announcement, with a German electronics retailer having accidently tweeted the Apple iSlate price and launch date. 


You can find out exactly what the iSlate/Tablet/iPad/ looks like right here, as we bring you live coverage of Apple’s big event tomorrow evening.


Link: TechCrunch


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