Adobe Illustrator Text Effect Tutorials

"Which one is better for manipulating text, Photoshop or Illustrator? There is no clear and defined answer. What is clear is that Illustrator, being mainly used used for creating seamless vector images, allows the user a greater degree of accuracy, control, and precision. Of course this depends on the hand controlling the mouse. So, if you are looking to simply manipulate text, then Photoshop would be your choice. If your goal is to create beautiful and original typographic art, then it has to be Illustrator."

[via noupe]
Adobe Illustrator Text Effect Tutorials

“Which one is better for manipulating text, Photoshop or Illustrator? There is no clear and defined answer. What is clear is that Illustrator, being mainly used used for creating seamless vector images, allows the user a greater degree of accuracy, control, and precision. Of course this depends on the hand controlling the mouse. So, if you are looking to simply manipulate text, then Photoshop would be your choice. If your goal is to create beautiful and original typographic art, then it has to be Illustrator.”

[via noupe]

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