5 Firefox Addons For Your Privacy Protection

With all the malicious scripts, tracking cookies, phishing websites et all, floating online and growing in numbers all the time, protecting your data and privacy is more important now than ever. In a two part series, we will be covering privacy protecting addons for two of the most popular web browsers: Mozilla Firefox and Google... Read More...
5 Firefox Addons For Your Privacy Protection

FirefoxWith all the malicious scripts, tracking cookies, phishing websites et all, floating online and growing in numbers all the time, protecting your data and privacy is more important now than ever. In a two part series, we will be covering privacy protecting addons for two of the most popular web browsers: Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Here is our first list of essential Firefox addons to protect your privacy online:

  1. HTTPS Everywhere

    This addon is from EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation). It does the basic job of forcing Firefox to communicate more securely with a number of websites such as Google, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, Paypal and so on, using secure HTTP (HTTPS).

  2. Better Privacy

    You probably must be knowing that all websites store some kind of local cookies in your browser to keep a track of your login details and preferences and so on. But there is another kind of cookies called Local Storage Objects or Flash cookies and are they are stored using Flash plug-in. The problem with flash cookies is that you cannot flush them out of your browser just by clearing your browser history. Better Privact addon for Firefox does this job everytime you exit your web browser.

  3. Ghostery

    Ghostery keeps a track of websites and Ad networks which keeps a track of all your activities around the web. It detects whether you’re being tracked by Google Analytics, Facebook and other 400 Ad networks. It detects whether you are being tracked by them and provides a way to block them while leaving all other Javascript functionality intact.

  4. NoScript

    NoScript is similar to Ghostery addon for Firefox except that is also blocks Javascript. It may seem to be an extreme solution but it also provides a “white list”, and blocks all Javascript except for websites in this white list.

  5. Web of Trust

    Web of trust gives you a traffic light indication for which sites you can trust with your sensitive data like Credit card details. All the ratings are user-generated and you do not need to log onto any website to see the ratings. The rating show up on the right side of the search result pages of Google, Yahoo and Bing.

(via downloadsquad)

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