3Steps To Success In Blogging For Money

3Steps To Success In Blogging For Money

Want to make a six-figure income from your writing? Consider blogging for money, that is, writing blogs for businesses, and being well-paid for it. Businesses love blogs because it gives them added presence in the search engines; blogs bring traffic, and traffic builds sales.
So what does it take to blog for money?
In this article you’ll discover three steps to success in blogging for money.
You’ll notice that the final step is “blog flipping”, that is creating blogs with the express purpose of selling those blogs; this can add to your income considerably, so it’s a tactic to keep in mind from the beginning of your blogging career.
1. Create a “Starter” Blog on Which to Practice
Your first step is to create ONE blog.
Please don’t get hung up on this step. Professional bloggers tend to have many blogs; often numbering in the hundreds. For more details www.building-blog-empire.com erefore, there’s no way to fail with this. Just create a Blogger blog (free.)
However, before you dive in, decide on a focus for the blog. Your blog’s focus can be anything at all — a topic which intrigues you, like a specific sport, a hobby, or yourself — if you intend to use this blog as a portfolio blog.
2. Blog for Others, to See How Others Monetize Their Blogs
Now you have your starter blog, advertise your availability to blog for others on the blog. You can also advertise on others’ blogs, or via Pay Per Click advertising. If money is tight, you can advertise on the free classifieds sites, or by using article marketing. For more details www.profit-pulling-toolbars.com ce you start advertising, continue advertising your blogging services. As your skills increase, you’ll be able to take on more highly-paid blog jobs
3. Create Blogs to Flip
Now you’re getting paid to blog, it’s time to boost your income with blog flipping. One of the benefits of blogging for others is that you learn a lot about blogging. Put those skills to use, and create blogs to sell.



How much can you sell a blog for? That depends on the income the blog is generating. It’s possible to make five figures from a blog that’s earning money.
So there you have three steps to get paid to blog.

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