133 Photos Lit By a Single Candle [Photography]

For this week's Shooting Challenge, I asked you to capture a photography by the light of just one candle. Your response, as always, was remarkable.

Most Meme

"Taken with a tripod mounted Canon XSi with a Canon 50mm f1.8 and an extension tube. Exposure was f/2 @ 1/50s, ISO 320."
[Ed note: Close call, given the Portal shot in the galleries.]
-Adam Carlson

Most Clever

"This was "shot" using my Canon 7D with the 50mm f1.8 prime. Tripod, ISO 800, 1/6 shutter, f2.8. The only light in the image is from a taper candle inserted into a disassembled MAG-Lite. To keep the flame from melting the reflective lens of the flashlight, the setup was aimed up and the final image rotated."
-Christian Shaffer

Most Fiery

"The shot was taken with my Canon S90 @ F8, ISO 400 and with a 15sec exposure on a tripod. To achieve the blur, I adjusted the head of the tripod downward and back to it's starting position quickly at the start of the exposure."
-Jesse Oliveri

Favorite on Film

Camera: Mamiya RZ67
Lens: Mamiya-Sekor 110mm
Film: Kodak 160VC
Shot at: f2.8 at 1 sec
Reflective metered with a Sekonik L-508
Scanned at a low resolution
-Gabriel Padilla


Canon 5dMark II
Sigma 70-200mm EX
ISO 100
F 2.8
Shutter speed 2.5
"I hung the statue upside down to make it appear that the light was coming from up above. Using long term exposure I quickly moved the candle to light the side of his face."
[Ed note: This image subverted my expectations completely, re-imagining soft candle light as a crisp backlight. Also, I have a soft spot for The Incredibles, silhouettes and the color red.]
-Felix Mendoza

Note: there are two galleries this week for the sake of our back end:

If participants proved one thing this week, it's that a single candle is more than apt for photography by modern dSLRS. Well, that, and they're all gluttons for punishment. Nice job, everyone.

Now cheer* on your favorites in the comments!

(*Just be sure to do so without, you know, being a dick to other participants. Also, for anyone wondering why the lead shot didn't win, it was taken last summer making it ineligible for competition.)

133 Photos Lit By a Single Candle [Photography]

For this week’s Shooting Challenge, I asked you to capture a photography by the light of just one candle. Your response, as always, was remarkable.

Most Meme

“Taken with a tripod mounted Canon XSi with a Canon 50mm f1.8 and an extension tube. Exposure was f/2 @ 1/50s, ISO 320.”
[Ed note: Close call, given the Portal shot in the galleries.]
-Adam Carlson

Most Clever

“This was “shot” using my Canon 7D with the 50mm f1.8 prime. Tripod, ISO 800, 1/6 shutter, f2.8. The only light in the image is from a taper candle inserted into a disassembled MAG-Lite. To keep the flame from melting the reflective lens of the flashlight, the setup was aimed up and the final image rotated.”
-Christian Shaffer

Most Fiery

“The shot was taken with my Canon S90 @ F8, ISO 400 and with a 15sec exposure on a tripod. To achieve the blur, I adjusted the head of the tripod downward and back to it’s starting position quickly at the start of the exposure.”
-Jesse Oliveri

Favorite on Film

Camera: Mamiya RZ67
Lens: Mamiya-Sekor 110mm
Film: Kodak 160VC
Shot at: f2.8 at 1 sec
Reflective metered with a Sekonik L-508
Scanned at a low resolution
-Gabriel Padilla


Canon 5dMark II
Sigma 70-200mm EX
ISO 100
F 2.8
Shutter speed 2.5
“I hung the statue upside down to make it appear that the light was coming from up above. Using long term exposure I quickly moved the candle to light the side of his face.”
[Ed note: This image subverted my expectations completely, re-imagining soft candle light as a crisp backlight. Also, I have a soft spot for The Incredibles, silhouettes and the color red.]
-Felix Mendoza

Note: there are two galleries this week for the sake of our back end:

If participants proved one thing this week, it’s that a single candle is more than apt for photography by modern dSLRS. Well, that, and they’re all gluttons for punishment. Nice job, everyone.

Now cheer* on your favorites in the comments!

(*Just be sure to do so without, you know, being a dick to other participants. Also, for anyone wondering why the lead shot didn’t win, it was taken last summer making it ineligible for competition.)

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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