WordPress Podcast: Web Analytics with Dennis Mortensen

Frederick and Joost talk to Dennis Mortensen, Director of Data Insights at Yahoo! and responsible for Yahoo! Web Analytics. They discuss what YWA offers and how people can and could use all the cool new data that’s becoming available in all the better web analytics solutions out there. From geeky stuff like using microformats to extend web analytics tagging (which Dennis did a post on) to how you can see gender and age demographics for your blogs visitors and how to use all that info to improve your site.

In news this week:

  • BuddyPress 1.2 is released with numerous features, chief among them is support for all WordPress versions, not only Multi User.
  • Google Buzz is attracting a lot of attention with Gmail.com users and there are some new plugins to help you deploy it on your site.
  • WP-UserOnline plugin development will be continued by scribu.
  • WordPress 2.9.2 was released as a security update. Always keep WordPress up-to-date.
  • Discussion about the GPL, business models for WordPress developers at weblog tools collection.
  • Upcoming WordCamp this month: Fukuoka 2010
  • Make sure to give your users “push” updates and participate in the real-time web trends with RSS Cloud using either PubSubHubHub (recommended by Google) or RSS Cloud (used on WordPress.com).
WordPress Podcast: Web Analytics with Dennis Mortensen

Frederick and Joost talk to Dennis Mortensen, Director of Data Insights at Yahoo! and responsible for Yahoo! Web Analytics. They discuss what YWA offers and how people can and could use all the cool new data that’s becoming available in all the better web analytics solutions out there. From geeky stuff like using microformats to extend web analytics tagging (which Dennis did a post on) to how you can see gender and age demographics for your blogs visitors and how to use all that info to improve your site.

In news this week:

  • BuddyPress 1.2 is released with numerous features, chief among them is support for all WordPress versions, not only Multi User.
  • Google Buzz is attracting a lot of attention with Gmail.com users and there are some new plugins to help you deploy it on your site.
  • WP-UserOnline plugin development will be continued by scribu.
  • WordPress 2.9.2 was released as a security update. Always keep WordPress up-to-date.
  • Discussion about the GPL, business models for WordPress developers at weblog tools collection.
  • Upcoming WordCamp this month: Fukuoka 2010
  • Make sure to give your users “push” updates and participate in the real-time web trends with RSS Cloud using either PubSubHubHub (recommended by Google) or RSS Cloud (used on WordPress.com).

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