WinMedia Format – KB968816

Is KB968816 being offered by Windows Update? It most certainly does apply to your system. Even though you've upgraded to WMP 10, you cannot...
WinMedia Format – KB968816
Is KB968816 being offered by Windows Update?

It most certainly does apply to your system. Even though you’ve upgraded to
WMP 10, you cannot remove WMP 9.x which, by default, includes the vulnerable

But you don’t have to take my word for it. Ask MS CSS about it: See the
"How to obtain help" section of

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client – since 2002

antioch wrote:
> Win XP SP3 + WinMediaPlayer 10
> I have looked through the below and I cannot see anything that would
> indicate that this update applies to my system.
> I have looked/searched for Media Format Runtime on my system but have
> drawn
> a blank.
> I have also checked through all that is on offer at –
> and can find nothing that appears to be applicable.
> Would a Media Player group, in which to post, be appropriate.
> I would appreciate some advice.
> Thank you
> Rgds
> Antioch

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