Whirlpool Dehumidifier Vibration Noise Frustration

That's funny; I was just talking with someone about a dehumidifier, yesterday. Now, if we talk further about it, I have one caveat to share from the...
Whirlpool Dehumidifier Vibration Noise Frustration
That’s funny; I was just talking with someone about a dehumidifier, yesterday. Now, if we talk further about it, I have one caveat
to share from the most unexpected place!

<> wrote in message news:…
> Hi,
> Less than two years ago, I bought a Whirlpool dehumidifier model
> AD50DSS2. This is a 50 pint, manual control unit. I wanted a manual
> control type because I built my own controller which wouldn’t work with
> electronic control dehumidifiers. Note: It is hard to find a manual control
> type of dehumidifier, which was common years ago.
> I became very disappointed with it because of the vibration noise. The
> noise isn’t there all the time. I called Whirlpool about the vibration
> noise, and they sent a service man. He opened up the unit and checked for
> loose components. He put some kind of compound down where the compressor
> is located. It seemed to fix the problem at first, but after he left, the
> noise was back. I will spare you the details regarding the number of times I
> worked on this "infernal machine". Note: I am a consumer products
> service technician (repair TVs, etc.). It seems as though the "housing"
> (cabinet) resonates with the compressor vibration, thus "amplifying" the
> vibration noise. If I squeeze on the sides of the cabinet, the noise goes
> down. The degree of vibration noise seems to be dependent on the room
> temperature and humidity.
> I can’t tell you how many times I felt like getting the sledge hammer
> and using it to fix the noise permanently, but where would I find a
> manual control, 50 pint dehumidifier?
> Before this Whirlpool, I had a quiet Goldstar dehumidifier (manual
> control) for many years. Eventually the compressor went bad. I was told it
> would be too expensive to get it repaired. Unfortunately, I put it out for
> trash, and I bought this Whirlpool.
> The reason I posted this is to warn you if you are thinking about buying
> a dehumidifier, go with another brand.
> John
> PS, Email address is not valid.

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