where the windows 2008 cluster WMI infomation?

hello, I can not using the following WMI information get the windows 2008 cluster, it will get a failure say invalid class, but it works on 2003...
where the windows 2008 cluster WMI infomation?
I can not using the following WMI information get the windows 2008
cluster, it will get a failure say invalid class, but it works on 2003

SELECT * FROM MSCluster_ResourceToPossibleOwner
SELECT * FROM MSCluster_ResourceGroupToPreferredNode
SELECT * FROM MSCluster_ResourceGroupToResource
SELECT * FROM MSCluster_ClusterToResourceType
SELECT * FROM MSCluster_ClusterToNode
SELECT * FROM MSCluster_Cluster

Cust response = All say invalid class.

So, Who can tell me how to get those infomation form WMI in a windows 2008
cluster server?

thanks a lot.

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