Vista won’t reconize external hard drive

"undisclosed" wrote in message > > So I just got a new computer, a HP Pavilion running...
Vista won’t reconize external hard drive
"undisclosed" wrote in message
> So I just got a new computer, a HP Pavilion running Vista, and I have a
> older hard drive that I want to copy data from. The hard drive came from
> a system running XP. It’s a older hard drive, a Seagate 80 gig IDE
> connector hard drive, so I went out and bought a external hard drive
> device bay — you just put the hard drive into it and then plug it into
> a USB port on my computer.
> If I plug it in, all that happens is every 10 seconds I get a pop up a
> message saying:
> "You need to format the disk in Drive J before you can use it. Do you
> want to format it?"
> Of course I don’t want to format it, I’d lose the data I’m trying to
> copy!
> If I click cancel it just keeps bugging me about it and I can’t access
> the HD.
> HP wants $60 for a tech support call for this.
> Help! How do I copy my data over?
> —
> SoulBlazer

Try setting the external drive jumpers to CABLE SELECT (CS)..

Mike Hall – MVP Windows Experience

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