Up/Down Arrow Keys

When using Internet Explorer, I often like to use the up or down arrow keys on the keyboard for scrolling up and down on the screen rather than...
Up/Down Arrow Keys
When using Internet Explorer, I often like to use the up or down arrow keys
on the keyboard for scrolling up and down on the screen rather than using
the scroll wheel. One push of the arrow key causes the screen scroll more
than I would like (about twice as much). It is not a matter of key repeat
rate. The screen just moves too much with a single press before the repeat
even kicks in. I looked for a way to adjust this but was unsuccessful. I did
find how you can adjust the initial delay and repeat rate, but those things
do not affect the amount that the screen moves up or down when you press an
arrow key. I also tried making adjustments to the scroll wheel setting, but
this also does not change my arrow key behavior. Is there a way to adjust my
up/down arrow key behavior?

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