Update Error Codes

This is my third post regarding error codes, especially 0x80070005. I had followed the instructions for the first two posts and was finally directed...
Update Error Codes
This is my third post regarding error codes, especially 0x80070005. I had
followed the instructions for the first two posts and was finally directed to
Update Support. I followed their instructions and finally sent them an Update
file and a zipped msinfo32 file and never received a response despite three
unacknowledged e-mails from me. I spent numerous hours sleuthing on my own
and found the following:


I followed the instructions and, voila!, my system is patched once again. My
suggestion to all of you who are giving advice. Try this solution first and
then to the resetting of privileges, SubInACL, etc. This was so simple, it’s
almost laughable except for the annoyance of "Updates " that don’t function

I had a response from Update Support, this AM, a-f-t-e-r I found the method
of correcting the problem.

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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