Two Needed Improvements For IE 8

In general I believe that IE 8 is better than all of its predecessors, there are two items that need improvement: 1.) Tab Recovery: Very often if...
Two Needed Improvements For IE 8
In general I believe that IE 8 is better than all of its predecessors, there
are two items that need improvement:

1.) Tab Recovery: Very often if there is one component of a page that is not
compliant with IE 8, (Even if switched to Compatibility View) that acts
strange, IE 8 will often close the tab and than attempt to recover it most of
the time. But than, it seems that other processes create a domino effect and
than maybe 5 minutes later (or less) I have had errors like Microsoft C++
Visual RunTime Error or Out of Memory at line (just as an example) 522. What
this means is that if a very small element of a page does not conform and IE
8 senses anything strange, or if you click on an Add a part of a page that
might be a part of different code, you will be forced to restart IE. I have
seen this happen at frequently.

2.) Similarities With Older Pages And Adobe Reader (Even Version 9.) If a
page is designed with older code, and IE 8 senses a problem when a user
clicks on a link that opens a PDF file as part of the page, I will sometimes
get the RunTime Error described above or the Out of Memory Message. An
uninstall of Adobe Reader 8 and an upgrade to Reader 9, solved the problem on
some pages, but not others. The common denominator is that the running
processes of such pages where the errors occur is happening with older web
sites regardless of whether or not IE 8 is in Compatibility Mode.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.…plorer.general

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