Texturize Windows 7 Taskbar

Windows 7 Taskbar aka Superbar is biggest change from Windows Vista to Windows 7. We have posted guide on how to center Icons on Taskbar, Disable Jumplist & Disable Taskbar Thumbnails. Now here is small utility Taskbar Texturizer which will apply textures to windows 7, Vista & XP taskbar. Get rid of plain Taskbar look and [...]
Texturize Windows 7 Taskbar

Windows 7 Taskbar Icons
Windows 7 Taskbar aka Superbar is biggest change from Windows Vista to Windows 7. We have posted guide on how to center Icons on Taskbar, Disable Jumplist & Disable Taskbar Thumbnails. Now here is small utility Taskbar Texturizer which will apply textures to windows 7, Vista & XP taskbar.

Get rid of plain Taskbar look and texturize your windows 7 taskbar with Taskbar Texturizer. As of now it supports only taskbar, in future updates developer in planning to add support for start menu too. This currently only work if your taskbar is set to the bottom.

Windows 7 Taskbar Texturizer

Windows 7 Taskbar Texturizer

(Click on image to enlarge)

Download Taskbar Texturizer.

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