TED India Highlights: Gapminder Guru Hans Rosling Predicts Per Capita Parity with US by 2048

Three TED talks are now online, and these are probably the cream of the crop: Pranav Mistry, Hans Rosling, and Devdutt Patnaik were the rock stars at TED India, held in the Infosys campus at Mysore.   Hans Rosling kicked off the TED India conference with a spirited Gapminder demo, which outlined historical trends in per capita income and life expectancy, and the rise of Asia this century. He said that in the year 2048, India would achieve parity with the US. It’s one of the TED co [...]
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TED India Highlights: Gapminder Guru Hans Rosling Predicts Per Capita Parity with US by 2048

Three TED talks are now online, and these are probably the cream of the crop: Pranav Mistry, Hans Rosling, and Devdutt Patnaik were the rock stars at TED India, held in the Infosys campus at Mysore.
Hans Rosling kicked off the TED India conference with a spirited Gapminder demo, which outlined historical trends in per capita income and life expectancy, and the rise of Asia this century. He said that in the year 2048, India would achieve parity with the US. It’s one of the TED co […]
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