Re: Disappearing contacts and groups

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Re: Disappearing contacts and groups
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cmrooney wrote:
> I purchased a new laptop with Vista about 3 weeks ago. I started using
> Windows Mail that came with it – converted messages and contacts etc
> from OE -spent time recreating my groups since they didn’t convert but
> hated that it didn’t have the auto fill in the addresses. So – after
> googling and reading- I "upgraded" to Windows Live Mail. Lost most of
> my contacts and my groups. Sigh. Here I go again! Recreate the groups
> – readd as many people as I can think of and now again today – I missing
> contacts AND my groups.
> I am going to scream actually!
> I have used mail thru my isp and OE so never really used online mail
> services. I did have to sign up for a gmail acct b/c my company was
> suddenly having trouble getting emails to me thru the isp (nothing to do
> with the new laptop – for some reason the isp put a block on the domain)
> so in WLM I have 3 "inboxes" – one for gmail-one for my isp- and one for
> live mail. There is nothing that has come into the live mail inbox –
> only the isp and gmail.
> I now am reading a bunch of user complain that their hotmail accts are
> getting highjacked and spam/virus’ being sent out. Don’t know if this
> is related – I don’t see anything in the sent area of online live mail
> like these people are complaining.
> I must have something set wrong somewhere since the address book I
> think is the same as the first time it happened (groups still listed
> but either empty of have one contact – same contact each time)
> PLEASE – can anyone help! I have spent HOURS on this and just can’t do
> it again!!!!
> Really considering going back to OE unless someone has a solution!
> Christine

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