Power Lyrics – KK App

Power Lyrics – KK App
Power Lyrics artwork

Power Lyrics

KK App

Genre: Music

Price: $0.99

Release Date: December 29, 2009

#1 TOP PAID MUSIC app in the US.

We offer special discounts for Power Lyrics. Please enjoy our product and feel free to leave feedback.

Have you ever wondered about the lyrics of the songs you were listening to?

"Power Lyrics" has the answer for you! You can look up the lyrics of any song on your iPod play list in notime. It's VERY easy to use. You just need to launch "Power Lyrics" and play any song you want to listen to. "Power Lyrics" will upload the lyrics of the songs currently playing from your list. You can listen to a song and read the lyrics at the same time. Also, there is no limit of songs to add as long as it's on your playlist.

You can watch any music videos related to your results on Youtube. Once you play the movie clip, your song on your iPod or iPhone will stop. Once the movie clip is over, the screen will come back to "Power Lyrics". Enjoy Youtube clips while you search for lyrics!

You can also search for lyrics by the search tab.

© 2009 KK Application

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