ping fysical mashine to/from VM

I have a VM with Win XP Pro ("VM") running on a fysical Win XP Pro mashine ("host"). The host can ping the VM without any problem. But, the VM...
ping fysical mashine to/from VM
I have a VM with Win XP Pro ("VM") running on a fysical Win XP Pro mashine

The host can ping the VM without any problem.

But, the VM can ping the host only when the host’s firewall is turned off. I
have used both the Windows Firewall and the Northon 360 Firewall but the
problem is the same.

I have tried to find some setting in the host firewall that could prevent
the VM to reach it, but have found nothing that solves the problem.

Anyone who has any suggestion on this?

Inge Larsson

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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