Pick the Perfect HTML5 Video Player for Your Site

There’s no question that HTML5 video is at the forefront of the web’s migration to HTML5. Unfortunately converting your site’s video to HTML5 is a little more complicated than just dropping in the video tag. We’ve covered a few HTML5 video players in the past — SublimeVideo, FlareVideo and the DIY route — but new players [...]
Pick the Perfect HTML5 Video Player for Your Site

There’s no question that HTML5 video is at the forefront of the web’s migration to HTML5. Unfortunately converting your site’s video to HTML5 is a little more complicated than just dropping in the video tag.

We’ve covered a few HTML5 video players in the past — SublimeVideo, FlareVideo and the DIY route — but new players seem to emerge every day and deciding which one is right for you can be complicated.

To help you out developer Philip Bräunlich has put together a great chart of 19 different HTML5 video player solutions. The chart breaks down each player, covering options like whether or not there’s a Flash fallback for older browsers, if keyboard shortcuts are supported, how easy it is to theme and use, and what license the code is available under. The sidebar also has links to demos so you can see each player in action.

If you’ve been trying to figure out which video player has everything you need, Bräunlich’s chart should be a huge time saver.

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