Performance Alert won’t execute .bat file

Performance Alert Issue I have recently installed BLAT to use a batch file for sending email messages from my Windows 2003 Server. It works...
Performance Alert won’t execute .bat file
Performance Alert Issue

I have recently installed BLAT to use a batch file for sending email
messages from my Windows 2003 Server. It works just fine. Now I want to
use it to inform me when the mail QUEUE exceeds a number of mail. So, in
the performance Monitor I setup an alert that, when configured is able to
"send a network message to" which, via messenger creates a pop up message
that works just fine. However, now I want to use the option "run this
program" to activate the .bat file I created so a message from the alert can
be sent to my blackberry. When I input the path to the .bat, it attempts to
execute the .bat but fails. In the event viewer I get a warning message
from Sysmonlog, ID 2038 "Unable to execute command for the alert. The alert
will continue as scheduled. The error code returned is in the data".

Anyone know what I need do?



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