Panda Cloud Antivirus: Let your viruses suffer the wrath of the cloud

Among the latest to move up to that better place on the clouds is the Antivirus. With the release of Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.0 one of the most essential aspects of computer security for Windows computers, the antivirus, has now shifted to the clouds. The Panda Cloud Antivirus adopts the thin-client model for its antivirus agent, meaning that most of the hard parts in virus detection are delegated to the cloud. The antivirus client works with the Panda Collective Intelligence service. The Panda [...]
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Panda Cloud Antivirus: Let your viruses suffer the wrath of the cloud

Among the latest to move up to that better place on the clouds is the Antivirus. With the release of Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.0 one of the most essential aspects of computer security for Windows computers, the antivirus, has now shifted to the clouds.
The Panda Cloud Antivirus adopts the thin-client model for its antivirus agent, meaning that most of the hard parts in virus detection are delegated to the cloud. The antivirus client works with the Panda Collective Intelligence service.
The Panda […]
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