Microsoft Teams Rooms SRSv2 : Windows 10 Media version does not match


While setting up the Microsoft Teams Rooms device you may receive an error like below…

"Please enter the path to the root of your Windows install media:"

When I direct to the root path of my windows 1803 copy I get the below message:

"Your Windows installation media is version 10.0.17134.228. Your SRSv2 kit requires version 10.0.17134.1."

To resolve this error you can have the exact same Windows 10 ISO media or you can make following changes to the CreateSrsMedia.ps1 file, so that the script will ignore the version mismatch.

# We only accept media with a version number matching the version required
# by the SRSv2 kit.
if ($img.Version -ne $KitOsRequired) {
    Write-Host ("Your Windows installation media is version {0}. Your SRSv2 kit requires version {1}." -f $img.Version, $KitOsRequired)
    #return $false
    return $true


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