MacBook Air Feels Like an iPad in a Laptop

Walt Mossberg at reviews both the 11- and 13-inch models of the MacBook Air and writes that the “gorgeous, very thin and light, but very sturdy” computers “really do offer the different, more iPad-like experience Apple claims they ...
MacBook Air Feels Like an iPad in a Laptop

Walt Mossberg at reviews both the 11- and 13-inch models of the MacBook Air and writes that the “gorgeous, very thin and light, but very sturdy” computers “really do offer the different, more iPad-like experience Apple claims they do.” Noting their efficient flash storage, high screen resolution, strong battery life, near-instant wake from standby, and full-size keyboard, Mossberg concludes: “Overall, Apple has done a nice job in making these new MacBook Airs feel more like iPads and iPhones without sacrificing their ability to work like regular computers.”

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