Lubuntu Lucid Lynx Alpha 2 Released

The second Alpha release of popular Lubuntu distro is out and available for download.
Lubuntu Lucid Lynx Alpha 2 Released

lubuntuThe second Alpha release of popular Lubuntu distro is out and available for download.
Being based on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Alpha, it is not stable. But if you want to try this distro, you can download the iso image of new Lubuntu Alpha 2.

In case , you do not know about Lubuntu, the Lubuntu project started in March 2009, with the purpose of creating a lighter and less resource demanding alternative to the Xubuntu operating system, using the LXDE desktop environment. According to recent benchmarks it has been termed as “The fastest Ubuntu ever”. You can have a look at the memory usage comparison of Ubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu here:


[image via mundogeek]

Lubuntu distro uses LXDE, a very lightweight and minimal desktop environment using the Openbox window manager, the PcManFM file manager, and a very select list of default applications. It is compatible with basic freedesktop standards and all basic software applications are already packaged in Lubuntu.

Lubuntu Lucid Lynx Alpha 2 does not include major updates. Most of the updates will be rolled out with Alpha 3. But still some noticeable changes in Lubuntu Lucid Lynx Alpha 2  include:

  • LXDE packages up-to-date.
  • The new PcManFM for testing (to try it out, type “pcmanfm2″ in a terminal).
  • New wallpapers and start icons from lxde forum, gnome-look and Leszek.
  • Lesner, to be able to switch easily between applications.
  • A new splash screen from Leszek Lesner.
  • You can install it with Ubiquity (but upgrade from this Alpha 2 to next release is not guaranteed).

You can download Lubuntu Lucid Lynx Alpha 2 directly from this link.

[via webupd8]

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