LG Survey: Obama is Hero of 2009, parents too! and Superman beats Spiderman

LG has announced the outcomes of the LG Mobile’s 2009 Holiday Survey, which aimed to analyze people’s perception about Heroes, the survey targeted UAE, France, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea, and managed to collect opinions of 10,737 people from these countries. With 37.6%, Obama was called Hero of 2009, followed [...]
LG Survey: Obama is Hero of 2009, parents too! and Superman beats Spiderman

LG has announced the outcomes of the LG Mobile’s 2009 Holiday Survey, which aimed to analyze people’s perception about Heroes, the survey targeted UAE, France, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea, and managed to collect opinions of 10,737 people from these countries.

With 37.6%, Obama was called Hero of 2009, followed by Dalai Lama with 23.8% of the votes, and in the third spot Bill and Melinda Gates with 22.5%. Residence in the UAE chose “Keep being such an inspiration to us all” as the most encouraging message we want to send to those heroes these holidays.

Parents came number one in the personal heroes category, globally 39% chose their parents as their personal heroes, while in the UAE 44.4% did the same, with “You are my inspiration” the number one choice of encouraging message, full results are below.

The new LG Chocolate was the most mobile phones chosen by participants as a gift for the heroes, hmmm, interesting I think I should check this phone out, after all I love chocolate!

Results were released through this website, which allows you to send a customized message to your hero and win LG phones, try it out!

Survey Results
1. Who is your favorite comic book superhero?
1st Superman ——————————-31.4%
2nd Spider-Man ——————————19.9%
3rd Batman ———————————-19.6%

2. What is one favor you would like to ask your superhero?
1st “Bring world peace” ——————————————-24.6%
2nd “Keep the bad guys off the streets” ————————22.1%
3rd “Save the planet” ———————————————–18.0%

3. What qualifies someone as a global hero?
1st Contribution to world peace ——————————–34.7%
2nd Contribution to environmental preservation——————————17.8%
3rd Contribution to human rights —————16.9%

4. Who deserves to be the Global Hero of 2009?
1st Barack Obama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2009 ——————37.6%
2nd Dalai Lama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 1989 ———————–23.8%
3rd Bill and Melinda Gates, founders of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation —–22.5%

5. What is the most encouraging gift you could give to your global hero?
1st Thank you message ———————————————-36.5%
2nd Spending time with family ————————————–26.9%
3rd A big hug or a kiss ————————————————17.3%

6. What is the one thing you want to say to encourage your global hero?
1st You make a big difference ——————–34.2%
2nd You are my inspiration ————————18.4%
3rd Don’t give up, hang in there —————–13.6%

7. If you could work for your global hero for one year, how much would you ask for?
1st Nothing, I would work as a volunteer ——————–22.9%
2nd Over $300,000 ————————————————21.0%
3rd $50,000 ~ $100,000 —————————————–14.6%

8. Who is your favorite philanthropic celebrity hero?
1st Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt —————- 28.6%
2nd Oprah Winfrey ———————————-19.9%
3rd Audrey Hepburn ——————————–19.8%

9. Who is the most significant unseen hero in your life?
1st My mother and father———————— 37.8%
2nd Local fire fighters ——————————-20.2%
3rd Local volunteer workers ——————–19.0%

10. What would be the best way to express your gratitude to your unseen hero?
1st Sending a thank you message ——————–23.8%
2nd Lending a helping hand —————————–23.7%
3rd A big hug or a kiss ————————————20.4%

11. What is one thing you want to say to encourage your unseen hero?
1st I’m very proud of you ———————————17.8%
2nd You make a big difference ————————–14.6%
3rd You are the best—————————————-14.1%

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