Install Movie Sheets and Thumbnails on WDTV

Install Movie Sheets and Thumbnails on WDTV

GET THE FILES FROM HERE: THIS IS PART 2! If you haven’t already gone through my first tutorial on how to install custom firmware on your WDTV you must do so now. This will not work with the stock firmware! You must be running modded firmware. That video can be found here: ————————- ————————- YOU NEED FILES! Also, like my first video I have put together a packaged zip file that includes all of the files and software necessary for this tutorial. These programs and files are all freely available elsewhere but what I have put together is organized and complete. I will be referencing this throughout the tutorial and I recommend that you get it now. Visit this page on my website and get the file now: ————————- ————————- Furthermore, with these files I have already done the hard work of changing settings and making sure everything works together. ————————————————— OK, assuming you are running Custom firmware (either ext3-boot or B-Rad’s WDLXTV) what we are going to do today is change our OSD (on screen display) to something cool and add folder images and movie sheets (information about the movie or tv show that is displayed when you open it) to our collection. This is a 4 step process. What you will need (other than what I have already mentioned): 1. A hard drive with media files on it. (from here on

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