IE 8 Compatibility View = Internet vs. web page on laptop

"Marz" wrote in message >I am working on a web page...
IE 8 Compatibility View = Internet vs. web page on laptop
"Marz" <> wrote in message
>I am working on a web page with a separate style sheet.
> I would like to see how the html page looks in Compatibility mode to make
> sure the CSS works in IE7.
> If I open the html page/file on my computer, I do not get the little
> Compatibility View icon next to the address field and the Compatibility
> View
> menu selection is grayed out.
> But, if I upload the page to and view the page through that
> website, I do get the icon and the menu selection.

> Maybe I do not understand how Compatibility View works.


Good luck,

Donald Anadell

> Why can’t I see this option when I open an html file on my computer in the
> IE8 browser?

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