How to Make a Pandoras Battery and Magic Memory Card EASY

How to Make a Pandoras Battery and Magic Memory Card EASY

Watch in High Quality: This is the Easiest Version you will probably find. No Joke. There is no opening Batteries involved, no opening PSPs involved, or any of that. FIRST OFF THIS IS YOUR DECISION OT KEEP GOING WITH THIS, IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO YOUR PSP, BATTERY, OR MEMORY CARD, IT WILL BE ALL ON YOU. I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY. This is a Step by Step of going from PSP firmware 1.5 (official) to 3.71 m33-2 (Custom) Here is the Download Link to the Pandora___Universal_Downgrader_Easy_Installer: Steps: 1. Get a PSP 1.5 firmware PSP, spare Battery, Memory card (official pro duo and recommended 512 MB or higher), and a USB Connection Cable 2. Format Memory Stick 3. Download The Program listed Above and run it. (easy 4 steps) 4. Run the “Pandoras Battery Creator” on the psp under the Game option, select the “pandora option” 5. Take out Magic Memory Stick, and the Battery. 6. Put Memory Stick in psp, then put in the psp battery (psp should start automatically) 7. Press X at the menu (it will say ….3.71 m33) 8. DONE! You now have CFW 3.71 m33 but if it freezes at menu watch the ending part of the video when I hold R and reset the flash stuff.

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