Hey PayPal You Mother Sucking MoneyHole

You Lousy and freaking son of a eBay and Amazon Gun, I don't care who you are and what you do. Why? Because you charge more than a bank, always charge me some amount of my hard earned and sweat induced money and I still keep quite. I have never raised a voice whenever you have milked me of 2-4% of my hard earned money every bloody time.

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Hey PayPal You Mother Sucking MoneyHole

Hey PayPal,

You Lousy and freaking son of a eBay and Amazon Gun, I don’t care who you are and what you do. Why? Because you charge more than a bank, always charge me some amount of my hard earned and sweat induced money and I still keep quite. I have never raised a voice whenever you have milked me of 2-4% of my hard earned money every bloody time.

Well to start out with, I was definitely upset and pissed off when you pulled out six payments from my account, but more than that, I was pissed off that you pulled off several payments I sent out to people who create an ecosystem around this website and that pissed me off to no end.

Why did I rely on you in the first place to send out payment, because, you are the only so called payment system which allows worldwide payments, and I came to rely on you. I was not really upset that you pulled off so called operations in India, I was more pissed off because you did so without intimating anyone and for the matter of fact you did not even intimate anyone before reversing payments.

If you have any clues about what you did, you might want to read the comments here. I certainly could not pacify them that they lost their hard earned money, all I could assure them was that everything would be alright. But a paunchy ass that you are, you had to go and ruin it by threatening someone that their credit card would be charged for no fault of theirs. At this point I lost both ignorance and patience about you. Why, because for such a long time I had only believed in you and did not withdraw money, but now seriously, if you ask me, I do not even want to keep any money with you.

You would be curious at my outrage, other than the enormous money you have earned from me by milking me every time, along with the Interest you earned on investments, because I trusted you more than a bank.

Well, here is why. First of all I sent a payment to someone who withdrew it to his bank. After a blue moon and when you realized your own problems, you decided to withdraw the money I sent to him. Now that would be fine, but you did not intimate him or me about it. Now after all is said and done, his account went into a negative balance. OH AND WELL IT IS OUR FAULT, WE SINCERELY APOLOGIZE FOR THAT, but still you threaten him that you will charge his mother’s credit card account to recover the dues??? Are you bloody fucking serious? Why the fuck did you reverse the payment in the first place? It is our fucking fault that you did not intimate us? Is it our mother’s fault that she decided to activate a credit card with PayPal.

Why the fuck should we pay for your fault you mother sucking MoneySucker? Every time you charge us for payments we keep our mouth shut. Every time we send payments and other’s receive it, they have to keep their mouth shut. It is high time we fucking shut PayPal once and forever.

We need a PayPal alternative that is not sleazy and does the job. If you are one, let me know. I will use you and if I like you I will promote you. But, good luck PayPal, you just earned my middle finger.

As a honest and sincere user of PayPal, I ask every other user to withdraw their money and BOYCOTT PAYPAL, BOYCOTT PAYAPL forever. Never accept a payment in PayPal, if you think that this is the last time those assholes did this, you are wrong, if someone really cared about you and YOUR MONEY, they would first tell you about it, it does not matter if you lost $1 or $10000. PayPal fucked up by not intimating its customers before doing what it did. And believe me, when you play with someone’s money without telling them, you not only fucked up, you also lost every bloody fucking credibility you carried around.


Disclaimer: The views in this post are my own and do not reflect that of Techie Buzz.

P.S: I apologize for all the profanities included in this post.

Hey PayPal You Mother Sucking MoneyHole originally appeared on Techie Buzz written by Keith Dsouza on Saturday 6th February 2010 06:07:26 AM. Please read the Terms of Use for fair usage guidance.

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